Artist's Statement


I am connected to my deepest self when experiencing the awe and mystery of our natural world. Installed memories of dappled light through draping trees dwell within. In an effort to escape a culture drowning in technology, I continue to find myself called to the natural environment, and thus stirred to translate the overwhelming textures, colors and patterns that naturally surround us.

As a former Biologist, I have studied life and the natural world in all its many wondrous forms. A passion for travel and hiking has led me to experience many varied landscapes. These observations inspire my work, which aims to interpret the beauty, mood and mystery existing on our planet. My art provides an opportunity to reflect on nature in all of its glory by calling attention to texture, contrast, color, form, and movement.

In this current series, I chose Yupo paper as the platform for my watercolor and gouache paintings. Paint is applied and manipulated with brushes and rags, left to dry, lifted in some areas, while layered in others. This process is repeated until Iā€™m confident the painting has successfully captured the subject and embraced the nature of this medium. The surprises that surface in the drying process are often unpredictable and exciting to experience.


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Gena Loseto (b. 1975) is a fine artist currently creating, teaching and exhibiting work in St. Louis, Missouri. She studied Biology and Chemistry, receiving her Bachelor of Science degree in 1997. Embracing her creative side for most of her life, she enrolled in numerous classes from 1997-2016 to learn watercolor painting, ceramics, fiber arts, drawing, photography, and design before deciding to pursue a Master of Fine Arts in 2016. She completed her MFA in Studio Arts at Fontbonne University in 2019.